With the fitness industry as competitive as it is today, it’s no wonder that gyms, trainers and studios the world over are doing what they can to get ahead. When we say get ahead, we mean marketing! Besides the usual marketing efforts, trainers and gym owners also market different deals and packages.

These packages are meant to attract clients and customers by offering more services for less. In other words, they add value. The question remains, even if one does come up with the most attractive packages possible, how to go about marketing these effectively?

Effective Marketing of Packages

The first thing to remember is that when you talk about marketing, you’re usually referring to a range of mediums. Marketing in general would encompass print, television, radio and online mediums in combination.

Over the course of this blog however, we’re going to focus specifically on marketing your packages effectively over your various social media forums. 

Effective Package Marketing Over Social Media

Regardless of whether you use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or any other social media platform there is a way to go about your marketing.

We’re going to get into how to do this for your training packages in particular. Below are some tips and pointers to help you get things going!

Timing Is Everything

When it comes to social media, an important thing to bear in mind is that timing is everything. There are certain times in the day where traffic is high on various social media platforms. There are also days of the week where you will have more people checking in to their social media accounts.

Get a sense of what these days and times are. Make sure you post your digital flyers and training program breakdowns at these times. This will ensure that your alerts show up in peoples feeds at a time that they can catch their attention.

Don’t Forget the Frills

Social media posts need to be catchy. Of course the degree to which you can play around varies from platform to platform. Facebook and Instagram for example allow you a fair degree of freedom. Twitter is great but you’re restricted with character counts and need to rely on links. Linked in on the other hand might warrant more serious and less flamboyant marketing efforts. You would probably need to make the most of your works here.

All this being said, don’t forget to make your posts attractive where you can. Whether you do this with catchy taglines, attractive imagery or by a self made infomercial, give your audience something that will make them stop, look and consider.


Keep the Info Clear

Don’t get so wrapped up in the frills that you miss out on important information. When you’re marketing your training packages over social media, make certain that you do not just make your ads and digi-flyers attractive. Ensure that they contain all the relevant information needed by potential clients to see if the packages suit them.

When it comes to relevant information, here are basics you do not want to miss:

  • Timings
  • Prices
  • Class Duration
  • Instructor Qualification
  • Discipline or techniques being taught
  • Early bird discounts (if any)
  • Deadlines for registration (if any)
  • Direct contact details

Apart from these there are other details you might want to add depending on what packages the updates and flyers are for. This includes potential benefits and who the packages are suited to best.

Just make sure that the information you provide is easy to understand and east to read.

Post in Advance and Work in Waves

If you want to run a course that starts on the 1st of June for instance, you want to start your first wave of marketing or posting about two to three months in advance. The first wave could contain the following:

  • Flyers focused on attracting clients
  • A heads up on further details to follow
  • An email address for enquiries (you can hold off contact numbers till the second wave)

After between two to three weeks you go in with your second wave of marketing. This should include:

  • Flyers which are attractive but are also information focused
  • Complete information as mentioned in the point on information and clarity
  • Complete contact details including numbers
  • Deadline for registration

The third wave should come in about a month before your classes commence. Your early bird registrations should be done by now. You will also have a better sense of how people are responding through feedback and response received from your first and second wave.

Third wave marketing is a lot like second wave marketing by way of content. The only difference; you stress on the urgency and the fact that your spots are filling up. This should give people who are on the fence a bit of a push.

Last of all, your final wave or push as it is called in professional marketing circles is usually only needed if you have empty spots left and want to fill up. This is where you use words like “last few places” and “happening for the last time this year” to mention a few. The idea is to create a sense of urgency so that those putting it off for the last minute hop to it!


Back It Up and Be Responsive

Throughout this time, you will be inundated with questions, requests and inquiries. These might be over your social media accounts as well as over contact details you provide. Just be sure to respond to all and any questions. Make your potential clients feel like you’re involved and if you speak to them, try and be charming enough for them to want to sign on!


Follow the steps above and there is no way you won’t generate the kind of class numbers you are hoping for. If you need more help increasing your student numbers, growing your classes or promoting your services as a trainer, you can check out some of our material on the subject. Till then, happy marketing and good luck!