Setting up a gym isn’t going to guarantee overnight success. You may have found people willing to join and give it a try, but retaining members is more challenging than it seems.

As you already know, motivation plays a vital role in helping individuals break away from routine. It helps shake off lethargy, and find a fitness regime that works well.

Good morale means that your clients are productive, willing to learn and push past their limits.

But as tough as it looks, it’s not impossible finding the right balance and motivating your clients. Here are a few ways to boost client morale and retain members at your gym:

Fitness Challenges

One of the best ways to motivate your clients is by creating fitness challenges. Design different challenges for different clients. Since each individual has his/her own capabilities, focus on individual strengths and weaknesses.

Start off with small and achievable challenges. This way, when your clients succeed, they will feel victorious and motivated.

You can start with a combination of 10 minutes per each exercise. 10 minutes for the treadmill and cycling. Throw in 10 minutes of light exercises and this can become the basics for clients who have never been to the gym before.

Remember not to overdo it. The key is to focus on individual strengths and weaknesses. If your client cannot do 30 pushups and planks, start off with 10 to 15.

When they slowly become accustomed to the challenges, increase the time and set.

Keep in mind that slow and steady wins the race. Our body needs time to adjust to a new routine.

The Daily Habit Challenge

Don’t forget: in order to achieve a healthy body, one must first achieve a healthy mindset.

When your mind isn’t functioning properly, your body will follow suit.

Encourage positivity in the workplace by helping create a positive environment in your clients’ lives. Many individuals who struggle with depression tend to doubt themselves. This leads to an unhealthy mindset where they feel inadequate and give up after a short time.

Get them to create a journal that allows them to record their achievements throughout the week. It doesn’t have to be something big. It can be anything. Even waking up early in the morning for a walk and coming into the gym are achievements.

What this will do is, boost your clients’ confidence. A confidence individual is always motivated to their best. When your clients feel confident, they will come into the gym on a regular basis.

Use Apps

Apps like My Fitness Pal are becoming increasingly popular. This is because they help individuals keep track of their daily routine and eating habits.

Clients who are planning to lose weight will find such apps to be extremely helpful. Being able to keep track of their everyday calorie intake will motivate them. Once they see a difference on the scale, they’ll find the drive to work harder.

Customer Service Strategies

This is an old and effective tactic. Treat your customers like you treat your family. Treat them like they are the most important people in your lives.

Treat young female members like you treat your sisters and treat older male members like your father.

What this will do is show them that you value and appreciate them. Furthermore, when people are treated with respect, they feel more welcomed. When your clients feel welcomed, they’ll automatically become regular.

Next, apply the “mirror” strategy. When you use the same voice tone, facial expressions and body language, your clients will feel more comfortable. In fact, people loved like-minded people!

Send Newsletters

Send your clients newsletters every month, highlighting the benefits of staying a member of your gym. In addition, highlight new events that your gym will host so that clients have something to look forward to.

Make sure to email old clients as well so they can reactivate their membership.

Online Training Sessions

To keep clients motivated, create an online training session. You can use any social media platform—YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Vimeo etc.

Make videos or post step-by-step illustrations for your clients to use. Make sure the regimes are tailored to meet the requirements of every type of member.

It’ll help retain old clients who plan to move, or don’t have time to come to the gym on a regular basis.

What this will do is allow them to keep up with fitness challenges, without having to worry about missing a session.

Ask For Feedback

Asking your clients for feedback on a monthly basis can help identify areas that need to be worked on. You should also ask them in between sessions if you can help them with anything.

This will help build a relationship with the client. It will help clients feel welcomed and valued.

These are just a few tips to keep in mind that can help retain clients. Remember that each client has his/her own needs.

For more information on boosting ROI, increasing sales revenue, and building a strong clientele, visit Fitness Pro Income Booster.

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